The following is a list of acupuncture clinics in the Lowell area. We do not directly contract with any of the providers, but rather have compiled this list based on years of patient feedback.
A note regarding insurance: Many insurance providers are offering acupuncture coverage. Please check with your insurer if they offer this benefit. Many acupuncture studios also offer flexible billing, but do not take insurance, but you can submit the bill directly to your insurance company and may be reimbursed.
Manchester Acupuncture Studio
Locations in Nashua, NH (4 Bud Way #9) and Manchester, NH (813 Canal St @ Dow St Plaza)
Phone (Nashua): (603) 579-0320
Phone (Manchester): (603) 669-0808
Payment is sliding scale: $30-50 for first appointment, $20-40 after, they do not take insurance but you may be able to submit their bill to your insurance
New England Acupuncture
27 Charles Street, 2nd Floor
North Andover MA 01845
Also has a Woburn location
Phone: (978) 258-0427
Website: https://www.necacupuncture.com/
Payment is sliding scale
Wei Zhang
14 Loon Hill Road, 2nd Floor
Dracut, MA 01826
Second location is at Emerson Hospital in Concord, MA
Phone: (978)821-7943
Email: weizhangacupuncture1@gmail.com
Website: http://weizhangacupuncture.com/index.html
Takes some insurances including Aetna, Blue Cross, Allways, Cigna, United, Workers Comp
Lowell Community Health Center
161 Jackson St
Lowell, MA 01854
Phone: (978) 441-1700
MassHealth & Neighborhood insurances ONLY, or $16-64 based on sliding scale.
Tai Chi Acupuncture and Wellness
7 Bow St Suite 1
North Reading, MA 01864
Phone: (978) 276-3008
Website: https://taichi-wellness.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic
You can check whether your insurance will cover their services by going to their website
Wellness Beyond Walls
21 Oak Street Tyngsborough
Hudson, MA 01879
Phone: (978) 375-0865
Website: https://www.wellnessbeyondwalls.com